Electrolysis is a form of hair removal to treat unwanted or excessive hair growth. It’s been around for nearly 150 years. However, the equipment and technology has evolved significantly over the years. Today’s electrolysis procedures are quicker and more adaptable to different types of hair. Unlike laser hair removal which only inhibits hair regrowth, electrolysis hair removal is permanent. In fact, it is the only permanent method of removing hair approved by the FDA. However, it is important to note that hair grows in cycles and not all hair follicles are actively growing at the same time. This means it will take multiple sessions to eliminate all hair from an area. Electrolysis is also able to remove light-colored hairs that laser hair removal may be less effective at treating.
15 Minutes
30 Minutes
60 Minutes
Electrolysis FAQ
What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis, is a precise technique that allows for the treatment of each individual hair. A fine hair-like probe is inserted into the hair follicle and an electric current is introduced. Depending on the method used, this current produces heat &/or a chemical reaction which allows for the destruction of the cells responsible for hair growth.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
To achieve permanent results, electrolysis requires a series of treatments so that I can permanently destroy the hair follicles at each cycle of growth and stop the blood flow to those follicles. Your hair grows in cycles, which vary according to body part… we usually see all the cycles of growth appear over a 12-18 month period (legs not included), meaning you can be completely hair free in less than a year and a half if you’re consistent about treatments and sticking to electrolysis best practices. The duration of your overall treatment plan will vary based on area of the body, and your previous methods of hair removal. When you come in for your consultation and initial treatment, I will evaluate your hair and design a customized plan to get you permanently hair free.
Is It Painful?
While everyone's pain tolerance is different, most people have no discomfort. If you are particularly sensitive or worried about the pain you can take any OTC pain reliever. Some clients find they need a topical anesthetic, recommendations can be given at your treatment. Avoiding caffeine prior to your appointment will also make you more comfortable.
Preparing For Your Treatment
Stop any method of hair removal (Waxing, Tweezing or shaving) at least 3 days prior to your treatment. The hair needs to be long enough to be able to grab with a pair of tweezers.
What Areas Do You Treat?
Head to Toe! I will perform electrolysis on any area - eyebrows, hairline, upper lip, chin, neck, back, abdomen, bikini, brazilian/manzilian, arms, chest, breasts, legs and feet.
Before your appointment
Make sure the area is moisturized and your body is well hydrated prior to your appointment. The more water you drink within 24 hours of your treatment the better!!
If have bodywork done please be freshly clean and fresh. Skip deodorant if working on the underarms.
If the hair is long please shave or clip 3-5 days prior to ensure that the hair is in the active growing stage
After your appointment
It is vital to keep the area clean to prevent infection. It is recommended to use only astringent for the first 24 hours. Water can promote scabbing.
Refrain from touching, rubbing, scratching, or picking the area. Use 100% aloe vera if needed for soothing.
STAY OUT OF THE SUN for 24 hours after treatment. Especially the face!
Do not use any makeup on the area treated for 24 hours.
Refrain from hot tubs, pools, saunas, steam rooms or extreme workouts (anything that will get you very sweaty) for at least 48 hours after treatment. This will ensure that no unnecessary bacteria is introduced into the treated areas